
Artist Series tent puzzled rel

, lost a fight like lost one thousand two hundred silver ,tiger face scary . , relationresultZhao Qianru wasmade giggle laugh : you should say so my sister ,she is just trying a bit, that just as you say .
However. Zhao Qianru sighed gently is the sister eurya . , relationresultPoor.Remember Cao Xun and the high earthquake by Yongan Princess pain when beaten ,Yang arthritis in any case is difficult to put the poor this two characters and Yongan Princess together .
relationresultZhao Qianru nodded,and said: my sister was very bright, whether Xiwen or martial arts ,what to learn ,but it woman . , relationresultYang Yanqi:no wonder how women ?What wrong .
relationresultZhao Qianru sighed: emperor uncle often say ,if my sister is a man ,the future will be the throne to her ,she can be a good emperor .But she was a woman .The woman is not eligible to take the throne .
Although sister than anything he strong sun . , relationresultYang Yan knewZhao Qianru said Chun brother is the crown prince Zhao chun .Yongan is also the brother of princess .relationresultZhao Qianruadded: concubine empress ,is sister .
Also because my sister is a woman, not to fight for the throne ,so has also didn my sister .The other brother are busy for crown prince position ,sister even got no one to talk to .
Usually ,only can I and my sister to talk about feelings . , relationresultYang Yan also can not help butlisten stayed .It is a rich deep like the sea .Who would have thought that being a princess is there are so many disappointments .
relationresultWhenZhao as she hit the stands up ,patted the dust ,said: anyway, you idle is idle ,I come out again ,not to accompany me around . Saying to pull up Yang yan .relationresultBut Yang Yan,also had to crawl : where are you going ? , relationresultZhao Qianru hee hee with a smile is : where are we going there anyway so there .
, relationresultLingis now the world city .High streets and back lanes of shops, the sale of the Xinglong .People are hurrying to and fro. Hee hee ,Lang Lang .Do buy do sell anything .
When Fu head shop scrubbing large signboards are Chaoyang plated ,when dye shop and a new cloth placed bar is Chaoyang red, when the goods the wheels are Chaoyang rapidly shine, when Chaoyang into paper workshop for the gold and silver paper with a glossy ,when the district began to tour the colorful fruit line ,hundreds of industries ,with the catch the morning public torrent together appearance on stage .
.relationresultZhao Qianru wasrarely go out .Beside Yang Yan kept asking that question, what is curious .Yang Yan had often with tassel Manic Street ,but the tassel is always quiet and in the presence of Yang Yan ,but Yang Yan asked her to reply .
Unlike Zhao Qianru along the way never stop talking .In addition to her that Yanzhao people along the way ,it also caused a lot of eyebrows .relationresultZhao Qianrusuddenly pointing at the roadside several beggars asked Yang Yan: martial school where I often instructors say I song rich in history ,the most .
When the King of sandwiches is of the Tang Dynasty Zhenguan is less than .I consult books ,nor is it really so .But why there are still people who rely on bank street beggar too ? , relationresultYang Yan wasasked one terrified ,he never thought of these problems .
relationresultZhao Qianruadded: history tells us that in man when it was several years removed from national taxes .Now I Song Suifu can never be free when the fu . Tang Zhenguan time of the year .
The executed prisoners but sword two people ,but my song founding has executed prisoners not hundreds every year .If Cai Jing ,Qin Hui time at a good meal . , relationresultYang Yan winkedand said: the next time ?Do you want to have the next time ? , relationresultBut Yang Yan in thebattlefield ,the day before, even a woman together in Ling censure cease ,or a sudden spread .
relationresultBattlefieldcompetition is the most important subject of martial arts school ,although students in martial courtyard also learned Paibingbuzhen knowledge ,but because of their skills and experience are insufficient, and there have been many people make me on the spot battle .
relationresultSomecompetition from both sides will directly is singled out to determine the winner .Soldiers of both sides, not one animal .A martial arts competition .There are two sides battle for three days ,is still difficult to divide a victory or defeat ,finally had to rely on a viewing point both remaining soldiers to decide the number of .
Even has the other troops scattered ,and the other the dazhai .He was careful not to each other raiding ,but he killed it is difficult to decide the outcome of the battle .relationresultBut from themartial schools since battlefield competition ,also never appeared today this situation .
It is both no fight .relationresultWhitecommanding general Cao Xun with the soldiers in black and challenge .And black will Yang Yan was closed without a fight .The whole day, and how Cao Xun challenges ,Yang Guan is out .
relationresultThe otherthree games are played in one day, including Zhang Shiyan Zhou Hongming ,Zhang Yuan to Liu Renxian two Xi played end neither in victory nor defeat .Only the Yongan princess on the high earthquake a princess ,Yongan Longfei ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,Tiger wing method, Benz shock ,time of day will shock defeated .
relationresultOn the first day ofthe opponent ,such cases are rare .It also shows the Yongan Princess of command ,to become the most popular of the competition is not without reason .relationresultNight.
Cao Xun sat alone in the big tent puzzled .relationresultBrother ,what you intend to do ? Cao Xun gently slap head .He suddenly found ,recognized Yang Yanji after three years ,he is still on the people not understanding .
The usual Yang Yandao is an easy-going person ,disposition is also very good ,never angry .No matter and he kidding ,total also laugh .In addition to just enter the military hospital that day and Yongan princess in a fight ,also had not moved in and others .
Tell him to go hunting ,they go hunting .To swim in the lake ,go to swim in the lake .All follow their actions .relationresultButCao Xun knows ,Yang Yan in the martial school absenteeism time far more than stopping time .
But the result is not bad .In addition to just the first month once by instructors from the outside of the classroom ,is also provided with any other thing .relationresultThis is a very common students .
Nearly all martial school instructors are such evaluation Yang yan .The students are mostly look like this .Of course, only Cao Xun and the high earthquake exception .relationresultTwo of them areYang Yan friend .
About three years ago that Yang Yan and princess Yongan fight things on their influence is profound .In their hearts have been instinctive feel Yang Yan should not be like this .You know, but almost no one is the princess Yongan opponent .
Only Yang Yan effortlessly from Yongan Princess hand stick away .Although three years after each change greatly ,many people also leave the fight to forget .But Cao Xun and the high earthquake can always remember .
relationresultis not an ordinary person . In private Cao Xun and the high earthquake on Yang Yan when came to the conclusion that .relationresultHowever ,in the martial school only two of us look like this ,Artist Series.
Listen to the high earthquake says so .Cao Xun was thinking is not ,do not know Yongan princess is how to look at big brother ? , relationresultSure enough,as if to prove two human intuition .
In the martial arts competition ,Yang Yan and princess Yongan showed super to all students imagine strength .Only Cao Xun and the high earthquake not surprised .relationresultis not an ordinary person .
But now he really having any idea ? In the competition before the ten days, Cao Xun also heard a lot about Yang Yan national interest ,certainly not a good thing .relationresultOn the first daywith the soldiers and ,every day in the sleep, also not properly training . Related articles:

