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"Respond as usual" that needs this degree.
"I want to go out 1 recently.Recent my research of"the color way of Lin Sang Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De, " met bottleneck, I intended the alchemist association sees, perhaps will have a help to my research."
"If is such, I suggest that you arrive'all evil force college in the skies'go, was for words a week that sits wagon, there are many sorcery teacher alchemy levels there to be all quite good."
"So ……" Lin Sang's wry smile, generally pure alchemist the level isn't high, could not create a deluxe product, so the income isn't high either, but be in need of support of budget, it is can hardly for alchemy to also raise, hence sink into vicious cycle, caused alchemy's gradually declining.On the contrary many sorcery teachers of orthodox traditions fall overboard for this line-sorcery the teacher is widespreadly all richer, there in no don't say to is a kind of irony.If isn't the cheap old daddy of Lin Sang space Rui five leave of inheritance, Lin Sang perhaps has to darling ground be his fire fasten sorcery teacher-contemplation again need not spend money.
"That is all right, you prepare some dry ration foods for me, H'm, there is also gold coin, they should collect school fees of."Lin Sang wanted to think, and then said, " prepares more some gold coins, the material in the warehouse also not much, I intend to conveniently procure to be some, the really nothing doing words is mercenary soldier labor union to entrust a task good.Still have, my medicine you shine on to take a look for me in person, those dry skeleton soldier is at is too stupid!"
"Your a person's words to don't take a few escort ……"
"Need not, these bone shelf?Taking them is more dangerous."Lin Sang shakes, " you stop worrying,beats dr dre, have I been 17 years old, somehow is also a part-time sorcery teacher."
"……" Nine years, just just an entry-level sorcery teacher, Fan especially Mu this teacher he or shes all feel ashamed.
"Again say I but created many sorcery props, their power you should really know."Lin Sang satisfiedly says that" besides are you to still seal to print many sorcery spoolers for me, there is absolutely no problem."
Especially the Fan Mu looking at the ring of a line of orderlinesses of Lin Sangs Shou, the cold sweat brushed ground to flow down, oneself this host's sorcery learns how not, but the alchemy is terrible to make people furious, Fan especially the Mu early years slightly have been already studied haphazardly as well to the alchemy, but a lot of creation methods of Lin Sang are extremely peculiar, basically smelt don't smell, he not only improved many formula and refining method, even still invented some strange things.Genius!In the Fan especially in the Mu eyes, own host are absolutely an alchemist of genius.See, sorcery teacher this occupation returns be really a little bit discommode him.
Lin Sang is dressed in red master's tunic and nearby packs a mold to do kind ground to put a sorcery Zhang and leisurely and carefreely roasts a sausage.Lin Sang has been hasing some regrets:Oneself is very not easy to seek together similar spice, had never thought to hard make into of the cured pork, sausage is incredibly all some deathless living creatures in the nobody sharing-emperor's mausoleum.
H'm, about be good friends with.Lin Sang is just preparing to start, suddenly, "Sou" the ground is a , the sausage on the hand is missing,cheap dr dre beats.Lin Sang stares big eyes:A benefit arrows puts at not nearby far, up be dressed in own sausage, still just a flash ground to tremble ……
Is four 17, the 8-year-old youth distressly run into glade, behind more than ten evil spirits are very bad of big fellow soon catch up come, quickly Be round and round to surround four youths of utterly exhausteds.
"Ha ha ha-see you go toward where run!Mama of, killed Lao Tze's more than ten brotherses, can also run so far, you are the mercenary soldiers of D class at least."Laugh wildly a way for the big fellow of head, " however we'black wolf'robber's regiment is not easy to handle either!The darling surrenders, province Lao Tze begin in person!"
"The useless talk is little to say!"A youth whom sword private dresses up coldly says appearing light blue Dou spirit on Shan of body, " has skill though try."
Another youth of red hair holds a pair of swords to stand to him nearby, the same Shan wears thin and blue Dou spirit and was dressed in the girl of blue method tunic to struggle for a while on the body, wanted boy that the pastor that push away to hand her dresses up.But very obvious, her magic almost and completely overdrew and basically connected a breeze blades all hair don't come out, the noodles permits a beautiful and slender pastor to force to add a "reply Shu" for her, unfortunately and basically can not have what function.
"Cloth Rui your this idiot!"The girl was malicious to stare a pastor of one eye, " I am just magic to overdraw and give Ji Si especially and Fu gram the Si treatment is for a while!"
"Execuse me, the elder sister is all that I am useless ……" cloth Rui the injustice ground say and make as if to cry out, but still kept adding "reply Shu" for two sword privates.
"Don't weep and sniffle!Listen to vexed!You are a male kid!"
"Like, depend on Lin in Europe, don't scold cloth Rui again, in fact he has been all making great effort."Red sword private Fu gram the Si say, " perhaps we really needed to die here this time."
Didn't talk according to Lin in Europe, started calming down contemplation, resume some magic as far as possible.
Cloth Rui looking at the appearance that the elder sister devotes one's minds, bit to grind teeth, added a "cure of Shu" especially for condition of the injury heavier Ji Si, then gave two sword privates all plus entry-level protection the sorcery"is sacred to guard".
"Thank you, cloth Rui."The Fu gram Si smiled to smile to him, " is dry to get quite good."
"Is aha! to admire, troops very incorporation."Robber's leader hazily says with smile, " however you still difficult escape one dead!"
"Is damned!BE which bastard shoot of arrows!Has "Lin Sang carries method Zhang all alone and lifts the arrows that is dressed in a sausage all alone, from the forest in fled out, " your mama never taught you to literally shoot indiscriminately?If shoot a kid how do?Even if didn't shoot a kid, shot flower flower and grass grass also not good!"
A group of persons dumbstruckly looking at this loquacious endlessly of guy, keep emitting on blue vein of robber headman forehead.
"Have no your business here, know to mutually roll at once, otherwise ……"
"-" Several ten fireball with big fists appear without basis and directly hit on the robber's headman body, the guy of that wretchedness immediately all over emit smoke ground to lie on the ground.
"Be just the third-grade role of a play such roles, there is no overbearing qualifications!"The Lin Sang full face not and greatly says.The real strenght that fastens sorcery teacher by his entry-level fire is absolutely impossible need not to read to curse to deliver so many fireball in a sudden.Actually, just the ring of his left hand index finger strains for a while, however nobody detection.

A spool of the college career chapter 4 mercenary soldier squad(next)
Renew time:2008-10-720:02:02 chapter word numbers:2112

This ……this also exaggerated too much!Although that robber's headman is more overbearing,really is the deluxe warrior of a quality goods at reasonable prices, incredibly even hum don't hum a be faced to face personally by 1 to put to turn over.The robbers of "black wolf" robber's regiment involuntarily retreated an one step and saw monster similar to nervously looking at Lin sang,cheap beats by dre.
A few youth's mercenary soldiers also oddly conjecture him, particularly is according to Lin in Europe, she this inside breeze fasten sorcery teacher at together the age was also regarded as a strong in the person, but saw that an alone and helpless star of Lin Sang's master tunic, clear is the sign of entry-level sorcery teacher!Several ten fireballs deliver in a sudden, the at least evil tutor above just does to get.This is anti- bad also a lot too big.
"O.K. didn't all be stained with dust."Lin Sang tooks a look the sausage of arrows, malicious bit, " H'm, the flavor is quite good!"
"What person is you exactly?Is also a mercenary soldier?"Fu gram Si Yang the voice ask a way, he in fact also takes to prohibit, because the sorcery teacher rarely goes it alone a task.
"Mercenary soldier?Have no interest."Lin Sang shakes, " I fight each other to beat to kill of the affair is uninterested."See public complexion weird, Lin Sang is just still some to embarrassedly took a look ground up have muscular spasms of robber's headman, "this is an accident …… I just revenge for my sausage just ……"
"Now that you isn't a mercenary soldier, that ……what of the enemy also reported, can leave?"A robber who looks like pair leader says.
"Evil Mr. tutor ……" depends on Lin in Europe hasty, the"entry-level master" with evil tutor's level but their only saviors, she how to be not hasty!
"The theory comes up to say to really have no me now what matter."Lin Sang says that four small mercenary soldier in the minds Related articles:

