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 "I understood, this matter, you need not took care of and trusted, lead some days, I let take to begin after minister completed satisfactorily affair continuous come to seek you, boon, hear that you are giving a home does the person carry out the population of capital city?Your household register should also move when the time comes past?Is simply, this kid ground the procedure directly do past, how?"
"Thus had better, that thanked uncle!"Yang Xin says with a smile.^^
Ten thousand waited Hao and put and put a hand, have much of qualities, "do not say what not Xie Di, say thanks, I said to all don't finish calculating last a days and one nightses with you, this time, the affair in purple month luckily you, I have been worrying, in the future one day my lovely daughter will suddenly leave me but go, and purple month, from bore to start, also have no how live a good life, the another kid can do of affair, she doesn't can make, the daughter is lovely, again how envy, also is to present to mind, never cry and scream to me, don't give me the pressure, afraid his this useless father worry ……now like, everythings all went up in smoke, so, say, is also that I thank you just right!"
Some kind of words, he is also to reveal true sentiment, listenned to side purple month rim of eyes all have some to flush.****
Say, ten thousand wait Hao to take out a check, put on the table, push Yang Xin's in front:"To me, the purple month can not be measured with these things, however,dr dre beats studio, you cured to like a purple month, I always return and mean for a while, this, just one dessert idea, otherly I not much said, hereafter have what matter, though come to seek an uncle, the Lai city is here and probably have no how much I could not do of affair, capital city there son, I how much can also say a few words, never be polite!"
Yang Xin's eyes good, on the check, the number isn't a lot of, 20,000,000, calculate, is also a capital city, he buys next that four match the price of hospital, to ten thousand wait household to say, Be just a drop in the ocean, group underneath of the subsidiary of subsidiary, property not only this son, truely worthy is ten thousand wait the commitment of Hao.Use in the idea, is how much 20,000,000 also change not to come to ground.
However even if don't say these.Yang Xin didn't also intend to accept this money, he pushed check to return to, "uncle, start practising medicine from me, also some days, your affirmation knows, I cure of diagnose a gold, never is quasi- count, unpleasant to look at ground of.^^Head hair^^the incognizance don't acquaint with of, I can open several ten several 1,000,000, however as long as I am happy, sold at a loss don't also relate to ……so, this money I can not want and see also good on the son in purple month and see at ten thousand wait the face of these people, such as, eldest brother, fatty, and the etc. of Ni Bao and ascend also good, anyway.I am to can not want!"
"Daddy, I say right?Yang Xin can't want!"Ten thousand wait a big wave to smile to looking at Yang Xin to say, he is understand, this money, to their house.It is a drop in the ocean.But is all a mint of money to the other people, including Yang Xin, can refuse so easily, really not easy.
However he also knows, with Yang Xin's skill, want to earn this money, is not very difficult either.But in his eyes.Ability and fatty, Ni Bao these people associate so familiar person.Affirmation can't be that kind of to see money eye open of generation.^^The head delivers^^
"Do not go, money send out, which have already taken back to tunnel to manage, Yang Xin, this money you take, although not much, is also so meaning!"
"Uncle, this money I really can not want, which saw a doctor to still want expensive truth to the friend?!"
Ten thousand wait Hao but is different idea, this money, not only the list is money, if Yang Xin doesn't receive, those ten thousand wait the human feelings for owing in the house Be getting bigger, to they this kind of big household to say, Be not afraid of and spend money, afraid owe everyone feeling, human feelings debt, is most not return, and if Yang Xin receives, that is completely different, 20,000,000, cure what diseases all enough, although it is said some things spend money and also cure not good, but personal comprehension to say, the human feelings owes isn't so many, as long as you could cure, I spent money, that two not and mutually owe ……
Ten thousand wait Hao isn't this kind of person don't say first, but he hope that Yang Xin can receive money.
2 people push back and forth, Yang Xin is after all a younger generation, some things have never experienced again, how also can not compare with to touch climb to roll to beat so ten thousand of several years to wait Hao, say around, this money didn't well don't accept still.
However, can not want as well, is still that sentence, see a doctor to still want a charge to the friend, that nothing important meaning, besides his treatment process also nothing important cost,cheap beats by dre, the basic nonentity loss in business it to say.
Think for a while, Yang Xin picked up check, "so, uncle, this money, I receive, but this not is to diagnose a gold, diagnose a gold, I is anyway can't accept, either, but recent I studied a kind of medicine, can say to is to guarantee to cure 100 diseases, surgery Medicine, distress diseases all have certain curative effect, two days ago, Lin Jia wanted 50 grains, 100,001 grain, this money, I am is that your bought medicine money, diagnose a gold, I can save, medicine fee I not saved for you, that efficacy of medicine good, raw material also really expensive, I give you cost price, 20% discount, 20,000,000, in the days to come I give you 260 grains of tablets, how?"
Of so say is 206 but be not 205, this is what Yang Xin did business before know, usually, because 205 not good to listen, trading both partieses will put on to go to some or plus 1:00.^^
Ten thousand wait Hao silent for a while, the affair of Yang Xin system medicine, he is clear, Lin Jia purchased to be worth of 4,000,000 here from Yang Xin of medicine ground affair, also having no canned once escape his ground ear eyes, even connect those three clinical trials that Lin Jia does at the military district hospital all knowing of clear, he again how can the efficacy of medicine of the tablet in not clear Yang Xin Kou?
Just, Lin Jia can buy 50 grains just from Yang Xin Shou, but he ten thousand wait a house, but can get hold of 260 grains, this ……make till the last, it is a personal feeling to fear don't still drop, this again owe a !
This tablet although it is said way too expensive, however for curing illness for purple month, again expensive medicine ten thousand waited Haos to all once see, so, 20,000,000 change the business of one big bottle of medicine, and can't make him have what special felling.
To say a felling only make it lively for, and ……pick up cheapness!
Can let ten thousand wait a main felling is to pick up cheapness, this cheapness, afraid is make numerous people jealous ……
Pondered for a while, ten thousand wait Hao don't refuse, but live ground in heart according to the Na concussion, ask a way:"260 grain?"
Yang Xin had some helpless locations to nod, this old fox really was too craftiness, he doesn't think as well to, but, let he the white white receive these 20,000,000 grounds of diagnose a fee, again impossible, think around, also only have so way, "260 grain!"
"Good!"Ten thousand wait Hao to see hesitate for a while just open mouth, actually, but is favour head in the Die location don't agree, fear Yang Xin to think of what, in the end renege again!
As for say what human feelings debt, he is also lazy to take care of, the cootie is many Yang not, and, in the so big advantage in front, who still have a great achievement man consideration so many?!
Certainly, Yang Xin expresses having of feeling to contain righteousness in this ground of affair and makes him understand, this young man can't be that kind of don't know into back, person ask a fortune, owe his personal feeling, and then have what relation?
Said again, the human feelings was this thing, more is to don't acquaint with, is more difficult to do, more is to make people have a headache, when both parties relate to enough close of time, human feelings, don't call as well human feelings, even if have no these thing, mutual's doing some help is also very normal.
Ten thousand wait Hao to really be the old friend is two words, soon, think affair all and deeply and deeply, and did the best choice ……
"However, I still have a condition!"
A words of Yang Xin, let ten thousand waited Hao Leng for a while, "boon, have what request, though you lift!"
"Is these 260 grains of tablets, I perhaps not the ability is a time of to give uncle, and, in a short time I could not take as well so many, so, I can pay by installments, is 10 grains for a month, until full 260 grains, how?"
"Is all right,beats by dre australia, certainly all right!"Ten thousand wait Hao to generously say.
Thus, Yang Xin's second business Related articles:

