
Facebook Twisted tales of the _13

Wales, before the battle she is burning shame and humiliation ,but Burke did not hesitate to say that out ,he on the edge of the white side lefter frowned, said : Burke you coward ,organization is how to teach you to tell the true ,not to say .
, relationresultManis a hand ,suppression of white side lefter again scolds .relationresultAlthough Burkewas scolded ,but be most willing to bear ,this is the woman in white top ,as the senior star ,she is very clear the outstanding members of the organization ,a cowardly villain is not possible through strict examination .
As long as it is a dignified warrior ,could never be called coward still be in a calm mood .relationresultBurke did so,the reason has only, that man is really let him feel a heartfelt admiration .
relationresultOnlyby their murderous can let four swordsmen timid person ?relationresultFunny guy,the woman in white lips with a faint smile, she waved .relationresultYou go, I credit .
, relationresultBurke was delighted,the get good out of misfortune ,get stars to appreciation of how glorious thing ,respectful salute hurriedly retreated .relationresultThe white side lefter ,you go to the man of the detailed information of investigation ,submit to me ! , relationresultIs that adults ,star ! White middle-aged man should a .
relationresultThe firstepisode of the fifth chapter Siliqiusheng , relationresultUpdate: 2009-1-813:35:46 chapter number :8468 , relationresultYang Zheng just stepped out of Moulin Rouge, I see a cloud from the corner is swept across and come .
relationresultDozens ofthe Red Knight have plenty of fight in sb. horse bolted to the front .relationresultAbridle , yu ... ... A dozen horses ,uniform stop, not to turn a hair ,a strong momentum to blow on the face .
relationresultLed byPrincess Luna was clerk .relationresultKnights of the roseis indeed the Empire excellent cavalry regiment .relationresultA singleride dozens of faint, have a powerful army ,kill the momentum ,Yang Zheng and others were forced back a few steps .
relationresultDekunwas expected three princess who will appear here ,Facebook,a little nervous .relationresultMyeyes swept away ,fell upon Yang Zheng ,face meal sink, a clamp horse ,the mare tap steps ,to him ,and waved his right hand ,as a whip snakes at Yang zheng .
relationresultSuddenly,Yang Zheng shunned ,by drawing a reel ,is a line of blood on his face .relationresultLittle brother government ! A few hurried to help him redstone ,google.relationresultWhat are you doing ,you bitch ! By seeking out his sword ,his live happy .
relationresultIrage : bold ! , relationresultAwhip lash with rejection of the past without rhyme or reason ,wind ,however, twinkle ,is transported on a grudge .relationresultBysearching with a block ,only feel a copious Juli came out ,sword instantaneous ,whip castration is not decreased, it will haunt cast for neck ,ramp time suddenly across a white arc , shuttle ,leather fracture ,I shake the body ,almost lost weight from the right heart fall down .
relationresultYang Zhengdoes not know when draw the sword ,sword sharp refers to the ground .relationresultDrops of blooddrip on the inside .relationresultAlthougha knife cut the whip ,but you will be his arm hurt .
relationresultHeSen cold gaze on my heart ,already moved really fire ,unruly woman ,have patience ,did not think the increasingly rampant ,Yang Zheng is never a willing to suffer for a woman is very main ,let ,but does not represent a compromise .
relationresultKnights of the rosemembers see the captain losses, have a sword .relationresultPedestrianshurriedly dodge .relationresultBigempty streets ,cold wind blowing, smooth added a few minutes to kill gas .
relationresultIbecome shame of his sword ,Li Xiao to kill Yang Zheng ,a light attached to the sword fights ,a few meters away in has cold pressing .relationresultYang Zheng isa bully who ,the sword from his head cut off ,the cavalry fighting ,not simply play advantage .
By virtue of his agility ,manoeuvre in my life around ,you badly ,he didn and this hard connection ,just keep walking ,in the eyes of a cold ,like waiting serpents, waiting for the thunderclap .
relationresultChaoscloud streets to only six meters wide ,dozens of horses huddled together ,keep up all force consumption is abnormal ,invisible helping Yang .relationresultThe groupalso do not know how proud knight dismounted combat operations ,or Yang supporting half a moment is a miracle .
relationresultThe streetmore chaos ... ... , relationresultRedstonethem is not optimistic ,Dekun brings people watch bucket ,and even a few to maltreat an injured person ,with powerful strength rose knight .
relationresultFinallylost his weapons were found was one of the first to be cut down ,was a rose Knight sword against the neck ,Redstone ,Liu Ruofei et al. Also one of all the blood ,the rose knight is extremely vicious ,only to their meat and more local cut ,as the cat and mouse ,cnn.
relationresultDeathcamps were in very heavy .relationresultRose Knightplaying on the addiction, didn find Redstone et al appears frantic look ,the crazy coming precursor .relationresultMore and more dense,blood seeped their eyes .
relationresultAscountless skeletons in the bloody battlefield to diffuse ,roar ,the pupil dead air piping .relationresultAh ! A storm roared ,the first mad is red ,he was very angry, in a rose Knight stabbed his ribs ,he fling caution to the winds the front ,so the sword stabbed into him deep inside the body ,the Knights panic eyes ,red knife chop off her head .
relationresultFuck, fuck you bitch ! Redstone roar ,his madness had broken several other brain last string .relationresultLosingseveral people to life flick, rose Knight although strong fighting capacity ,can be some woman ,where seen such a tragic play ,a few rooms ,and several people were hacked to death .
relationresultAspeople cry .relationresultThe scenecompletely lost control .relationresultPerhaps the onlysane, only one Yang .relationresultOriginallythe most visible blood mad he now how crazy not to rise, but the worry to the extreme ,perhaps because the other side is woman relationship ,or this battle too be rather baffling ,even he doesn die so idiot .
relationresultAta time ,Yang Zheng short cut out a knife ,blood spurt is light ,small mare . A sound ,two hind legs had been cut off Zhengqi Yang Qi ,I scream for a fall from a horse .
relationresultNoresponse ,a strong hand was stuck in her throat ,sword is less than an inch from her eyes .relationresult!All * * * for me to stop ! , relationresultYangshouted .relationresultRoseKnights see captain falls in Yang Zheng hands ,have no alternative against one completely stopped ,by searching ,Liu Ruofei and Luo tower has been lying in a pool of blood ,red half kneeling on the ground ,the backhand in the sword as a fountain ,the blood from his body well ,blonde scattered ,wickedness is like a ghost .
The ground spread all across in confusion bones ,shed blood like water ,in a few minutes, there have been seven rose knight was hacked to death .relationresultIlooked at the front scene ,only feel dizzy ,Knights of the rose each member as sisters ,but now be rather baffling died in seven ,her heart in the blood ,Li Yang ,exclaimed: you die, you Ripper million .
.. ... , relationresultItis not the end, Yang fiercely sword handle was hit in the head ,he fainted .relationresultCaptain ! Other rose knight have washed up .relationresultWho dares move ! Yang Zheng a binge drinking, his sword against the faint moon neck ,have plenty of fight in sb.
way: what happened today is right or wrong ,I must get a clear ,don you have three Princess guard ,can lie to my Yang head ,tell you ,I don believe evil ,who dare say one more word ,I cut her ! , relationresultWindroared past ,Yang Zheng sound comes out very far . Related articles:

