
cheap beats by dre ail crane hurried wa

Can turn bad luck into good."
Cloud English is in distress situation, this kind of benedictory words she incredibly can also take seriously, however hear a plant to fix a way to excel Bu to calculate, here noodles how much should have some truth.Hence is helpless bottom to vapor trail crane way:"Can you lead the way for me?"
"BE, the big king Pleases sit down my back to come up."The vapor trail crane kneels on the ground to ask cloud English up.
Cloud English point nods a way:"You orchid, you like to sit in carrying on the back the white feather Venus still the vapor trail crane carry on the back up?"
Wood You orchid the slanting head saw for a while, after by hand holding cleverly made head a short moment way:"I want to sit stork, she flies a little bit quickly.Otherwise elder brother Yun threw down a You orchid to run first by himself/herself, the You orchid made track for not up."Seeing to the performance for cloud English war breeze fire to work properly wolf already under the tree in her heart very high big image, she cares the speed of cloud English very much.
Cloud English lightly pulls the small hand way of the orchid of wood You:"Elder brother Yun how willing to give up throw down You of orchid, like, you are quicker to sit vapor trail crane,cheap beats by dre, elder brother Yun and white feather Venus can with must ascend."Then change direction two purple jade Jing soul ways:"Azure stone Cui rain, you have no weight, accompany a You orchid to leave together."
The wood You orchid tightly looking at cloud English way:"If elder brother Yun dares to throw down a You orchid, You orchid hereafter all ignore you."The appearance of Jiao Chen is very lovely, cloud English more and more had no command over oneself.
The vapor trail crane receives the order of cloud English and rushes through into an underground to loose a temple quickly, hence takes wood You the orchid and azure stone Cui rain flew up horizon.It is an avian special features to fly, it doesn't think white feather the Venus can comparable to, hence the speed a little bit has some to put slowly.
The ear side livings breeze, a voice rings out:"Don't concern what, I can't be jilted the next, as long as doing not make the You orchid feeling uncomfortable, you can speed some speed."
The vapor trail crane gets a shock to turn head to hope to go, cloud English floats to in the sky only have several steps with oneself of of distance, but white the feather Venus have already been missing a trace and shadow, to the evaluation of cloud English immediately to moreover an extent.Working properly the king of island is to work properly the king of island, will never be what oneself can compare, it where know the special features of cloud English, as for 2 work properly tiger nature is get to lovely pagoda in take a rest.
The vapor trail crane nods to give a long whistle, then once rows a curve of nature fluency, suddenly accelerates face west the noodles fly to, cloud English hands a put to tightly make track for not to give up.To the speed of the vapor trail crane is also secretly admire, if not is ask for help of from create of the move"the blurred shadow makes track for a soul", perhaps can really not necessarily make track for of top.The first time the wood You orchid embarked stork to fly in the so high place, happily didn't stop and azure stone Cui rain talked, but saw they almost had no special reaction and once asked to just know originally the time that they in the sky fly too many, have already become accustomed to.
The rescue renders assistance a door person of same belief, the speed is very important, even if is the breeze soul cloud English also impossible 1,100 inside the return of the ground rush about and embark to work properly a monster become good choice.The white class is responsible for for two years, is afterwards a white feather Venus, four Cape Mangs are all all right now and what stuff of time azure stone Cui rain come out to keep cloud English chat company and slowly also acquainted with this kind of to look down the whole fellings.
Hear Cape Mang, the wood You orchid curiously looking at after death naturally self-satisfied cloud English in the distance not, secretly decide in the heart must see they is what appearance, also need to sit up to see comfortable indisposition.Don't know to fly of have vapor trail crane quick?

Chapter 14 pretty girl looses a temple(3)

The pleasant breeze once kisses and curled up 1 F thin thinly fly a dust, take slight jangle, square circle several ten insides are completely devastated, only one gradually floating about of the damaged site megalith experience trampling upon of years in the sandstorm.
Cloud English unclearly invite about of can feel that the underground contains strange breathing, is the breathing that mixed a lot of things?True oddness, why can oneself feel?Not is say to be sealed to print?
"Is here?"The wood You orchid is raised head to looking at cloud English way:"I seemed to hear the many people is crying, they cry very sadly."
Cloud English is one Leng, not from must looking at wood You orchid to ask a way:"Where?Can the You orchid feel?"
The wood You orchid point nods a way:" Over there."Point at distance one the disorderly stone is not.
See the inquiry vision that cloud English hurl comes over, vapor trail crane hurried way:"Where doesn't underground's loosing the entrance under charge of temple know as well.The whole palaces are all sealed to print, only finding out to print a point should be able to open?"
The way that cloud English slightly has to think:"The You orchid follows your felling to slowly go forward, perhaps can find out to print a point."
"Really?"Mu You Lan doesn't understand of ask a way:"Elder brother Yun why out of hearing cry a voice?"
"This should be one particular signal and respond, to the person of different spirit wave-length, can receive of thing also dissimilarity.The woman in the pretty girl temple is mostly the rare beauty of narcissistic, while the You orchid is also an at the right moment pure and noble girl, there is much total on the spirit, so as to arouse a spirit resonance is also sympathy."Cloud English lowered the head to think way is for a while:"Also probably the You orchid was originally the person of pretty girl temple to turn a life time, so can respond this breathing is also very normal."
Wood You orchid hurried way:"If I really found out to seal to print a point, so elder brother Yun must keep on taking me, because I am very likely to be the person of pretty girl temple.The danger of inside should can't hurt his/her own person?"
Cloud English is one Leng, shake head a way:"This is just a guess and wait we to find out to seal to print a point to say again."
The wood You orchid didn't answer criticism and just obeyed of order, slowly shut eyes, the pleasant breeze starts to give her long hair, the wood You orchid imitated a Buddha to become fairy maiden in the night view, so sanctity, so moving.Cloud English gradually had some Chi, mumbling to oneself:"Lotus son, lotus son, we finally reencountered."
The Huang absentminded Hu sees, the spirit imperceptibly got into moreover a space, an and oneself grow man's hand really thinking to hold lance and lightly hug the girl whom the long hair floats dances in the wind in the sky, girl and the wood You orchid You several cent likeness, but her hair is thin green, flow light sheen to imitate the Buddha pretty woman on the sky.On all sides often fly to come over a fireball, one regiment Ying Ying green light, the man always flicks sword to break to bother their very calmly a hideous mess of thing.
"Elder brother Yun, elder brother Yun, what's the matter with you?"Wood You the voice of the orchid waked up with a start the cloud English in the positive soundly asleep dream world.
A certain and dejected man quickly asks a way:"How?"
Mu You Lan complains a way:"The You orchid called you quite a few voice, you are to ignore a somebody else, just over there one personal Zheng Zheng is stunned, not know is just thinking what."
Not know is just thinking what, cloud English also not know that oneself is just thinking what, all of those are oneselfs since the childhood usually the dream arrive of prospects, oneself of in a dream seems the power is profound but always break of the dimensionless place flies over there.But Snow White of in a dream and wood You the orchid surprisingly resemble, only more mysterious moving, many a mature charmingly feminine, dignified and cultured, there is no the blurred amiability of wood You orchid, but can even make people infatuate.
"Xi Xi, the true person just musted see the wood miss staring at with awe."Cui rain smiles happily of way:"Wood miss just of the appearance is really beautiful, very sacred, also no wonder that can let peacetime hardhead from hold of the true person become foolish very silly."
Cloud English stared her one eye, Cui rain set up for right away very frightened that the appearance hid wood You orchid after death way:"The wood miss saves me, I revealed the true person's worry, and he got angry."Say still continuously make faces toward cloud English.
Lookinging at of wood You orchid doubt cloud English way:"Is elder brother Yun's appearance angry?Didn't relate to of, he beats you, I will help you the treatment of, I am 100 rows secondary good doctor."
Cloud English unbearable"rush toward Chi" smiled out, 100 now altogether only two people, how count her also all is front two.Don't know the medical skill of the orchid of wood You and oneself compares a meeting how?Is high or low? Related articles:

