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Zhang Ji also orders and sees dense toward the Fan.
The Fan is dense to spread a hand, say:"The king grants of viewpoint, how do I guess deeply?No matter is so many, immediately tell Mr. Li and Mr. Gu the news, there are 2 people plan plan, ignore Wang Yun what scheming, will be found by 2 people."Finish saying, the Fan is then dense the plan Ma Wang Li's scholar and Gu Xu embark of wagon but go, tell 2 people the news.
After the consider of Gu Xu is some kind of, vision Pie Li Ru Yi's eye, see Li Ru's air not sad not pleased, have ready plans to meet a situation, smile to say:"Adult Lee early has strategy, need not worry."
Fan dense eyes a bright, peep out one idea of putting on to smile on the face.
He sees the Gu Xu also figured out a way and nothing but wanted to make Li Ru appear publicly to work out a problem just.
The Fan is dense to ask a way:"Mr. Li don't know to have extraordinary plan?"
Li Ru has never pushed to refuse and directly says:"Wang Yun lets Xu Rong and segment Wei halt soldier Hsinfeng County and nothing but wants to need Lao by Yi,Facebook, beat us a caught unprepared, since so, we then will account and then account and do like this ……"
The Fan is dense, after benefit and Li Meng listenned to, piece's eyes a bright.
The air of Gu Xu remain, the facial expression has no variety and strives for to accounting of Li Ru and also care to anticipate in.
PS:Protect the bottom first more, beg to collect, fresh flowers.

The ninth Dong Zhuo dies, world in disorder chapter 494 is each to show off means
The fragrance of books house renews time:2011-8-276:39:11 chapter word numbers:4062

Hsinfeng County, prefectural hall.
Xu Rong and segment Wei is a battalion chief commander, sit on the hall or so two sideses respectively.
Be compared to Xu Rong, the segment Wei is from more imposing, the elder brother is a Wei segment ever and too is clever, the household is also a cool big west clan.He follows behind Dong Zhuo, officer in the center Lang will, the official position that compares Xu Rong is larger.However, Xu Rong is a veteran warrior, the military merit is imposing, again ratio segment Wei more have an all soldier then can.However 2 people sit in the hall and remain take segment Wei as a lord, Xu Rong for assist.
The segment Wei wears silver white battle armor, the gold knife sitting upright of Malaysia, sink a voice to say:"Slowly general, Wang Si Tu makes us lead troops to station in Hsinfeng County and wait Fan dense, piece benefit and Li Meng after leading troops arrive again start an attack, so with the strategy that the Yi needs Lao although good, originally will think very passive, do you think?"
Segment the Wei is this person, the Shi is just proud, the temperament is distrustful, and eyes in unmanned.Particularly is a Wei officer in the center Lang will, the official position is imposing, and then have the soldier the right in the hand, even if return agreeable imperial government,defy Lyu Bu.
Its reason, Lyu Bu up to now also however is courageously a force general, belong to miscellaneous number general.Although Lyu Bu enters Jue Wen Hou, the instrument compares three to take charge of, also however is the means that Wang Yun pacifies Lyu Bu.Beat heart bottom, the segment Wei always despises Lyu Bu.Even if for Wang Yun, the segment Wei is to take orally heart to defy, under the pressure of events listen to the order that the king grants.
Will in the outside, the military command has to be free from.
The segment Wei is led troops outside, the king grants of the strategy can query, can change.
When the noodles that wears Xu Rong, the segment Wei directly puts forward the question in the heart, don't approve the strategy that the king grants.Changing to do is common of will get, which dare to query Wang Yun, affirmation determinedly carry out the order that the king grants.But segment the Wei will be fanciful and not think that the arrangement that obey rules and regulations to grant according to the king handles affairs feeling, but works according to his way of thinking.
Xu Rong's in the mind not only despises Lyu Bu, even the at present segment Wei also sees not up.
Lyu Bu has the whole body good skill in martial arts, but kills two adopted fathers and isn't filial;Help Dong Zhuo to bully emperor, is unfaithful to ruler;So unfaithful to ruler and not filial person makes Xu Rong hard to rise good will.
As for segment Wei, the skill in martial arts isn't ordinary, do know a line of soldier cloth again.Can serve as in the Lang in Dong Zhuo's troops will, still lend the segment clever blessing from ancestor.No matter is a Wei, still Lyu Bu, the Xu Rong Yis all see not up, on the contrary is a heart to accumulate Wang Yun whom the Lyu kills Dong Zhuo and let Xu Rong Xin give birth to admire, because Wang Yun can bear, matter in ability Chengkong University.
If he hear a Wei and ask a way:"Does the segment general have a plan?"
The segment Wei smells speech, eyes a bright.
He thinks that Xu Rong Wen's words are to want to listen to his plan, immediately and then say:"Slowly general, I prepare to attack on my own initiative and lead the battalion is halfway cutting shot Fan dense.Attack to compare and all need Lao by Yi with Wang Si Tu abidance by Hsinfeng County on one's own initiative, can beat Fan a dense caught unprepared, but attack on one's own initiative more vivid, more easily successful."
Xu Rong Kan eye segment Wei, the heart says that the way of a Wei isn't bad.
The western cool soldier is from the dominant long and difficult journey since then, station outside Hsinfeng County no matter, or arrive Hsinfeng County, have never passed by to rest whole, is an exhausted teacher.The segment Wei leads troops to attack to gain advantage more on one's own initiative, also much more more vivid change, not easy be found, defeat dense confidence of Fan also larger.
But, Xu Rong would not like to defy the order that the king grants.
He wanted to think and said:"Segment general, you I am to decline will, if attack on one's own initiative, not only didn't obtain victory, be on the contrary been dense to defeat by the Fan, the responsibility of failure has to be undertaken by our 2 people.However, as long as staying to guard Hsinfeng County, even if doing not vanquish Fan is dense, after the failure also because the strategy of Wang Si Tu's establishment not to, with us relate to not and greatly, the segment general wants to send army and look before you jump!"
The segment Wei humed a voice, saying of despise:"The Fan is dense, Lee receive to be just a group of discards with Zhang Ji, the person like this gathers together, can have much ability?Originally will lead a battalion attack, settle however ever triumphant, no man can block."
Xu Rong starts to hang up an of corner of mouths to put on radian and smiles to ask a way:"Segment general, you have never let scolding of troops Hou attention western cool soldier?They can not only only is what Fan is dense, piece benefit and Li Meng organize, among them still a very badly malicious person stay in, if segment the general get a soldier to left for, perhaps can not beg for like."
The segment the Wei Pie Pie mouth doesn't believe asking a way:"Who stay in a soldier in?"
Xu Rong Yi's word says:"Li Ru!"
Segment Wei feels one in brain deep-fried to ring and mix mentally dense Dun in the brain of, the one is blurred.After a short moment, the segment Wei wide awake and pay falter I of ask a way:"Slowly the general, the fruit, is indeed as expected Lee, Li Ru?"
Xu Rong nods a way:"Really is Li Ru!"
Li Ru's is to like a thunderclap piercing the ear in the western cool soldier, no man doesn't know, no man not Xiao.
The segment Wei deeply absorbs tone, recovered the emotion of heart discomfort and said:"Lyu Bu and Wang Si Tus lead troops to surround Li Fu on that day, Li Ru and wife son then disappear to disappear, he how can bursts upon at west cool, and stay in a western cool soldier in.Ai, Li Ru in the western cool soldier assists now, we want to defeat them, difficult Yi!"
At this time, have already started backing down in the segment Wei heart, would not like to lead troops a war.
, The segment Wei asks a way again:"Slowly general, how do you know that Li Ru is in the western cool soldier?"
Xu Rong inwardly shakes head, but still explanation way:"The Fan is dense, piece the benefit and Li Meng lead battalion to rush through into Chang-an, it is Li Ru to have already spoken the military adviser of western cool soldier.Segment general as long as send patrol to cautiously fish for, can get the news that Li Ru stays in a western cool soldier.The general is a battalion commander-in-chief, should notice more the circumstance of enemy's soldier more."
Segment the Wei air is embarrassed, flash across of face one silk angered color, soon after say:"At the beginning I think the Fan only is dense, piece benefit and Li Meng, then didn't put in the mind, if they 3 come, however lead troops to walk into death.Hum, I say them how dare to lead troops to rebel, is Li Ru to stay in.This time, is I neglect the gist, didn't expect Li Ru."
Xu Rong says again:"General, Fan dense troops very likely not Li Ru, there is also another one person."
In the segment Wei heart one Zhan, ask a way:"Still have who?"
Xu Rong says:"Gu Xu, Gu text and!"
Segment once the Wei listen to, immediately from sprang up by at table, lambasted a way:"Unexpectedly is a Gu Xu is that old son, at the beginning the Gu Xu pretends to be my elder brother's nephew and lends this to get away from a Di person.Hum, the this person craftiness is certainly matchless, want to hold tight him this time, well teach some kind of."
The Gu Xu pretends to be a clever nephew, the person of segment house is knowing, but doesn't pursue.
After all, this is to bring into relief prestige with clever segment.
In the segment Wei heart but not very great, particularly read to the Gu Xu full stomach hatred.In one side, Xu Rong Zuo sees a Wei wrath up flow out, spirit last Cuan the bottom jump, the corner of mouth is secretly tiny to have muscular spasms, say a Wei in the heart of difficult Chengkong University matter, he speaks the guess in the heart, should be want to remind a Wei attention Gu Xu, but have never thought segment the Wei unexpectedly thoughts of oneself

