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? relationresultXueYufei taunts a sentence to death ,but his red face, softly together in Chen Ping laughed after I come back every day in the yard walk ,and often go to rich uncle there, now in the courtyard of people know is a surname Chen little bastard put the daughter spoiled ,my father would like ,he died to be, certainly will not let me take the initiative to find you ,wait for you to meet my .
relationresultChen Pingeyes ,smiled thing ?relationresultXueYufei paused ,some natural, make an ambiguous statement road conditions .My dad said that either the child and mother surnamed Xue ,either ,at least give children a five percent stake in the group ,allowing you to choose .
relationresultChen Gongzi hasno natural hesitation ,hired ,heroic tract laughs without selection ,two conditions can be satisfied .relationresultXueYufei just spellbound ,stared at Chen Ping ,never mind the shares ,small voice: you want our son family name Xue ? , relationresultChen Gongzigently call Xue Yufei in his arms ,quietly laughed not ,we in the future in a daughter family name Xue .
relationresultXueYufei red face on Chen Pinghuai ,hum a dream .relationresultWife ,I suddenly think of poems and couplets of a song, as you comment ? , relationresultOh ,you say . , relationresultWell ,listen ,the sentence :the harem .
Sentence :children in communities , relationresult... ... , relationresult... ... , relationresults all over? , relationresultWell ,. , relationresultyou ,the soul of light . , relationresultChen Ping put his arm aroundthe woman of bosom, projected forward body ,small sister almost have Lingxi heart slightly turned .
relationresultTwolips gently touched together ,grow in intensity .relationresultFor a long time,Chen only release some respite unevenness woman ,seems to have been a smile: wet ,poem .
, relationresultThe 949th chapter :the soul of light , relationresultThe 994th chapterrelationresultInthe door ,he Yufei mother Xue Yangzheng miscellaneous kitchen cooking ,Xue Yufei after pregnancy significantly into the Chen Jiabu home in palm baby all day long ,delicious good drink nutrition, more than Chen Fugui ,and even Chen Fusheng when nothing will come ,with a bunch of supplements have a look with your daughter-in-law on weekdays ,really mean what one says ,the Yanquan in with Chen Ping when the consumption of Chen Fusheng Chen Fugui ,very polite ,have decades of friendship ,each other knows the whole story ,spoke no scruples ,his father attitude seems to have proven themselves and Chen Ping later optimism ,for this, Colonel .
Even if they don like to admit it, but I still feel very happy ,in the final analysis ,or care .WwW .relationresultXue YangChen Ping as in the past enthusiasm ,as usual ,no blame Chen Ping spoil her daughter ,Nanjing military region, in recent decades the gangster ,there are few to marriage situation combination of family ,Chen Fugui married a wife, but in general ,one in the eye ,she becomes ugly duckling model, Bu Yanquan looking for a wife ,is also a common origin, so the Nanjing military region high in recent years has smooth ,not too frequent military mobilization and personnel changes, step forward is steady ,Chen Fugui was chief of staff to the commander of the general army area ,is already exceptional promotion weird things .
relationresultChen Gongzito make home has many favors, Bu Yixuan is his only friend now ,can get together wrote that ,Mrs. Bu Yanquan treats his has been thin ,as Chen Gongzi He Xue Yufei ,two others from the accumulated for a long time, after growing up, completely broke ,from beginning to end ,go is a beyond all expectations way, with resentment resentment came ,so when an outgoing Xue Yufei with Chen children and ease at home mothers when, all people have to react ,two people make it a too suddenly ,as if nothing after ,Chen Ping had not home the little girl into submission ,and occasionally a few guess who will lament ,Chen little bastard this hand bawanggengshanggong play indeed beautiful, with the most easily disgusted trick ,but means the high super ,finally is the comedy ending ,is a wonderful ,a variety of factors together together, Chen family was born not to have to make such a bad idea .
relationresultXue Yang personallygave Chen Ping a cup of water ,smile and greet two people sit down ,soft eyes ,their children will now be parents ,this is afraid is the mother of the world the most rewarding thing ,she looked at Chen Ping, smiled Chen ,a few days ago to listen to your dad said you went to east the north and Beijing on business ,so good ?relationresultCome swaggeringlyon Chen Pinghuai where Xue Yufei and a party was also a stiff ,talk business? This story was not generally well ah ,Xue Yufei secretly glared at him ,did not speak ,but Chen Gongzi was calm ,calm and outrageous ,boast without shame laughed aunt miss ,progress is good ,if not because of this thing, I had a week earlier estimates put Yu Fei back Zijin Mountain Golf Villa ,military region courtyard too serious ,beats by dr dre pro,there are habitual day maintaining absolute calm reason ,I feel not suitable for pregnant women, Zijin Mountain Golf there is relatively good ,aunt assured ,daughter to me, to ensure their mother and child safe ,nutrition, absolutely follow up .
relationresultXueYang smiling without a word ,Chen Ping formula skills to pay no heed ,never let go to let Chen Ping take Xue Yufei away ,her husband presented the two requirements ,all she knows ,or child family name Xue ,either to give a child a five percent stake in the group ,looks are not demanding ,but placed in the body of Chen Ping ,he said ,five percent of the shares are not many, but do not carry Chen harem too huge ,Naran allure ,Tang Aozhi ,Xu Shu ,Wang Xian Yi ,Haiyang ,Naran inclined shadow these young girls ,which is not fuel-efficient lights ,although it is now firmly flatly ,but if we have children ,everyone five percent stock ,Chen Ping took control of a group when can firmly flatly ,but once involved after the Chen family inheritance and property division ,will easily appear big question ,after all how ,still have Chen Ping to consider ,this is a problem ,but I want to say their one family for the Chen family property ,still it is not ,or will not require Chen Ping to put equity in children ,in the final analysis ,or for the yet to be born small guys consider .
relationresultMom ,he promised daddy conditions . , relationresultXueYufei red face for Chen Ping said ,such a thing ,not Yanquan without the presence of Chen Ping ,not the total opening directly ,Colonel sister and not stupid ,appropriate throw this message ,at least let this man in his mother before clearance .
relationresultXue YangOh a sound ,seemed a bit surprised ,laugh which conditions ?relationresultPromise ,son of the company without problems ,as far as the surname ,aunt ,I with Yu Fei in an effort to give birth to a child ,the family name Xue is good .
Chen Ping laughed softly ,calmly ,without the slightest trace of make fun of .relationresultJustat the door smoking a cigarette after coming on hear brother-in-law this sentence Bu Yixuan terrified ,subconsciously looked ruddy delicate as a bunch of peach blossom sister ,grin ,complex feelings ,fuck ,mind is equivalent to the tiger + lioness + Ultraman + transformers invincible sister are to take ?Too dramatic ,too good to be true ,the master suddenly feel really necessary to Chen match with someone to walk in .
relationresultXue Yang paused,one look at Chen Ping ,the young people have agreed to these conditions character appreciate ,five percent French holdings ,seemingly not much, but if you give others ,also can weaken a group control ,Chen Pingneng in their own so much the case of woman with five percent of its shares to his daughter and grandson ,is the heart ,is sufficient to block his old man mouth . Related articles:

