
monster beats ng purple people

Just to the curse, a population of less than 10 million ,the majority also are in control of the family with which they can not afford so large ambition . Death explains .relationresultIt is this truth ,however .
You really know about them ? He hesitated about asked .relationresultIs not completely understood, but they had so little people ,even if there is ambition ,as long as the exposure ,it is not our opponent ,you say ? Death asks , and the next step ,I intend to reside in their presence on the island ,they also agreed ,so in my opinion ,this time they really want to return to the big family ,it ,mistakes and their ancestors ,and not them, is the murderer the son, damn it ?.
relationresultIt sounds fine in theory, but they are God abandoned the people ,if we , relationresultGod only give them down without killing them ,curse ,curse just punishment ,and do not take them all dead ,God is not good ?.
By the way of fire .relationresultThe gods to start with a clean slate people are tolerant ,otherwise these do not the devil run rampant ? Immortal gods continued .relationresultYou say, this time black arthritis family seems to be really willing to start with a clean slate ,regression of human ? He said , why you ordered so many ships ? , relationresultPart is updated ,partly in order to defend the sea group ! Fire road .
relationresultSea group ,sea family for so many years without invasion of the human world, and from the coastal migration is gone, what good preparedness ? If not to regard it as right way .
relationresultMr. abbot, join me to kill you .Are you have protection time ,or you do not have any protection time ?.Death whispered asked .relationresultDamned ! He gave a cry of rage ,but immediately reveal profoundly shocked eyes ,if death has said is true, that must have been awful .
relationresultFistback to more powerful blow ,similarly ,retreat to paralyze you, then take your time to relax, to give you a hard blow ,let you never change !relationresultWhere did you get the news ? He had forgotten the so-called black arthritis family threatened ,sea group is the biggest enemy of mankind !relationresultMr.
abbot, the news is not difficult to .As long as the thin a heart, you also can think ,sea group if there is this ,to words ,this battle is probably inevitable ,it is the man himself kept inside the bucket ,coastal defense of emptiness ,and sea clan once struck, we can hardly resist the sea clan soldiers front ! Said fire .
relationresultSo you buy warships ,expansion of coastal defense army ,and on offshore islands garrison ,the purpose is to deal with the sea ? Yanhui asked .relationresultYes ,the group also in and so on .
, relationresultThis is a big thing ,now say that no one would believe . He paced said .relationresultBecause of that ,we didn ,do their part is good sense ,he felt it might be that he supports them unified the provincial best excuse .
relationresultAs long ashe believe firmly ,so only by the Montgomery city has been fleet against sea clan apparently impossible ,only the provinces all maritime force together ,to make .
relationresultAs long as thearmada series, the black tower province unified also not far .relationresultHeis not a fool, he from the death words had a purpose ,is the only province unified ,unified the provinces ,can be in the sea clan invasion protection had the provinces ,and the school was in the provinces ,that is if the lips are gone !relationresultButalso do not eliminate this is combined with black fire plot ,use this as an excuse to tower provinces ,four large family destroyed, only big .
At that time, he is also that they feel helpless !relationresultIf the abdication ,who as governor ? He glanced at the time their eye ,asked .relationresultWho can protect the safety estimation of provinces ,who can do the governor ! By the way of fire .
relationresultIf the next governor by you to be ,what will you do ? Yanhui asked .relationresultDeathgods thought for a moment and said: in a decree ! , relationresultHeWenyan ,nodded : be no trivial matter.
It ,black arthritis family if truly regression ,the Institute would be for them to the court for a free living doctrine ,but their identity or a time to change . , relationresultDeath for Aspergillus spondylodiscitis family Yan Institute for long ! Fire a Hei road .
relationresultDon happy ,the matter is not so simple ,noise, in the province inside I I will also have the opposition, Aspergillus spondylodiscitis as God abandoned the people ,has been deeply marked with the slave lattice printing ,in many people black arthritis family is slave equivalents exist, the Empire had the law, anyone caught in all ethnic black can be his slaves ,or killing ,or sell ,Aspergillus spondylodiscitis worker should be treated equally, I need is a long way to go ! He said .
relationresultWhat do you mean ,then we may become the enemy ? By the time the difficult gulped slobber !relationresult,but on the other hand ,it is not just giving you a chance ? He smiled and said .
relationresultA littlefire demons appear, since unification ,peace and unity is not possible, then only the force uniform ,black arthritis group to obtain equal status .We must fight, using their own strength in exchange for their own dignity .
relationresultThe colour Dean ,you , relationresultI can assure you ,as long as the Black family is sincere in regression of human ,the college will protect me , relationresultThanks for Yan dean ! The big fire .
relationresultYes ,I would like to ask, the dead? Yanhui asked .relationresultThis time is not to say ,but he is in a black guts ,I live . By the way of fire .relationresultHenodded his head and said: well ,dead or ,monster beats.
, relationresultOuyang family is also involved ,Ouyang Qian has also disappeared ,there is such a thing ? , relationresultThere ,Ouyang family wanted to press on a tooth ,but did not think this way out of a black king in family ,so the work not completed ,after the failure of Ouyang Qian ,without a trace .
Fire half-genuine and half-sham said .relationresultking ? , relationresultIn black king ,who by virtue of their power to break the curse of the black inflammation . By the way of fire .
relationresultBlack with black king ,king ! Yan Hui to oneself a sound ,as if caught in a contemplative mood .relationresultYan Dean ,my younger sister is waiting for me at the monastery ,I went first .
By the way D fire .relationresultWell ,you go ,this is your birthday ,you can come to celebrate her birthday ,she must have been very happy ? He chuckled tract .relationresultYan dean if there are empty words , relationresultI will not go ,and you haven ,must have a lot to say .
He laughed .relationresultFirefrom the dean .He withdrew ,secretly worried ,then with vigorous strides towards the bamboo grove drive past !relationresultThefire soon after leaving .A purple slender graceful figure appeared in the Hui ,indoor !relationresultHis words are trustworthy ? Purple man covered face, but it sounds like a woman ,but the sound of some cold .
relationresultHeavenly king.He stood up and bowed tract . Under the screen ,at least 80 credible ! , relationresultOh ,you are very easy to believe others . , relationresultNot that kind of blind trust under the king ,this point you know .
Yan Ming eyes shot a searing light ,but the light he dare not aligning purple people .relationresultTalk about your rationale for a purple humanitarian .relationresultOne of the reasons Related articles:

