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It ishuman , the most important clues to excavate ancient civilization .relationresultChongRui for ancient civilization is not to understand very much, so he needs to rely on aspects of the text data ,at present the gold book will no doubt on the golden city origin ,to give the best of the .
relationresultSimpleturned a page, Zhuang ,found ,though the cover ,a total of only eight pieces of paper gold ,but each piece of paper are recorded from right to left writing .relationresultZhuang,believe ,as long as the text translated, nasal Jincheng secret collapse of itself .
@ .relationresult , relationresultThe 1275th chapter Solomon treasures and recommended votes , relationresultPeng Feicame over to look at the hands of gold village Rui paper mouth dunang :.
A hypocrite kind of things, is the word ?, ,not Peng Fei guy: the gold ,on the lines of the paper and it is the font ,it is more like some symbols ,estimate this stuff out can be mistaken for ancient invention .
relationresultYouknow what ?This should be in Hebrew ,but I not sure , , relationresultChongRui angry glances at Peng Fei ,slightly furrowed brow ,these gold on paper using the text, not English ,also not Arabic ,are legendary Hebrew somewhat alike .
relationresultIn Hebrew means native to s �� column, ,is a Jewish national language ,its history can be traced back to thousands of years ago, and Chinese oracle ,can be called on the world one of the most ancient languages .
relationresult don be Solomon treasures ?, ,look at those suspected in ancient Hebrew text ,Zhuang ,and that have neither learning nor skill David thought together ,these words to him in the first period of time ,the thought of Solomon treasures .
relationresultAlthough itis said just from treasure origin ) and a novel, but ancient powerful s ��columnKingdom ,is really there .relationresultSolomon David to create a Jewish Dynasty ,and seeking to establish a boundary from Egypt to the Euphrates empire .
relationresultSolomonsucceeded him on the throne ,gradually eliminated his enemies ,and his friends into the army ,government and religious institutions post .And through marriage to strengthen his position ,and around the king and sister get married ,which is an Egyptian Pharaoh .
relationresultAndall of the Empire pioneers ,Solomon is to force to maintain their territory, in addition to the infantry ,he has amazing chariots and cavalry soldier .relationresultSolomonera is s ��columnwith the United Kingdom ,the army strong commercial prosperity ,Awa Ka temple and the magnificent palace in Jerusalem built in succession ,it was considered ancient s ��columnof the greatest king .
relationresultNow peoplepraise a person one ,commonly used the wisdom of Solomon , these words to describe .relationresultAndSolomon wisdom , and together ,survived ,and his mysterious treasure .
relationresultThe time ofSolomon to Eilat port as a base ,vigorously develop the maritime trade ,his trading ships in the Red Sea ,Mediterranean ,Africa ,India and other places as far as .
relationresultAsrooted in business empire ,Solomon with countless wealth ,at the time of withdrawal Luye cold as stone ,legend of silver dollars ,gold everywhere , relationresultBut with theBenghou Solomon king ,the division of the kingdom for the southern kingdom of Judah and the north ,the wealth also appears as Solomon ,a mysterious disappeared .
relationresultFor thousands of years,countless people looking for Solomon treasures ,but did not really have any valuable discovery ,1 discharge Ji appeared the fashionable world Solomon treasures one book, its author Henry Haag De is a devoted admirer of solomon .
relationresult I wish now anyone could recognize the clip , , relationresultChongRui smiled and shook his head the gold book and put it back in the box ,along with a crystal skull and gold scepter to give away ,the castle I am afraid we must rely on these kind of things to research .
relationresultCastlecleanup ,which went on for exactly three days. In addition to the inside of the animal bones and garbage dust ,Zhuang ,all things will give empty ,even a stone tables and chairs are not lost .
relationresultAnything with acarved picture wall are village Rui en bloc cut down ,and the number ,as the saying goes, the demolition of a house to house hard, just three days ,this magnificent castle became lose one .
relationresultAs forthe gold castle walls ,Zhuang ,certainly not let ,compared to some stone murals , relationresultThesegold wallpaper is easier to remove .relationresultBecause of the long time,a lot of plaster had fall off razor will its division ,can directly roll of a regiment .
relationresultAlthough thevillage Rui also did a lot of protection measures . in such a civilization plunder ,the damage is can hardly be avoided ,Zhuang ,though the heartaches and feel helpless .
relationresultIfthe golden city news leaked out ,I to damage more serious, village core is as much as possible to save these objects as ,for later will reappear .relationresultA week later,Zhuang , Xuan Rui , quietly out of the Gulf of Guinea ,in addition to the excavation site outside people ,who do not know Xuan Rui , carrying the child a great wealth .
relationresultEven thebearded captain by M �� ngon the drum ,in addition to the dozens of gorilla ,later helicopter to cruise on things ,all by a Chinese Seaman handling took over ,and was caretaker up .
relationresultCruisehas not returned directly ,but to the village , Xuan Rui Island ,,,or with the dozens of gorilla home ,village Rui this s �� wildanimal counts also will be solid .
relationresultIn Xuan Rui , arrived in the village , Xuan Rui Island , ,village core will be dozens of gorillas are released into the island ,for the survival of these difficult gorillas ,have no natural predators rainwater sufficient food Xuan Rui island .
as they live in paradise .relationresultIs anisland in the grown diamond ,in Xuan Rui island after become extremely excited, after the whole island of virgin forest ,into its territory .
relationresultIn therest of the island for several days ,Zhuang ,failed to see this guy a few times, estimated m �� iswith that in humans is a large harem to the forest to the excellent .
relationresultMy boss said ,when do we start salvage sea treasure ?You are not kidding me ? , relationresultFromXuan Rui island after leaving, Zhuang ,issued a return home commands ,which allow bearded captain finally sit still, direct found the village rui .
relationresultThevillage Rui in doing those things ,Claude doesn ,Cheap Beats By Dre,what he thought is driving Xuan Rui aspect of sea ,fishing all ocean sunken treasure .relationresultIt canbe ?Dear Claude ,I say is always count, but .
. this ship things ,it is the first home ? , relationresultRuiClaude seaman on the village of complex to the bone is the guy feel helpless ,he didn his previous throw Claude painted a piece of cake ,even were he to remember ,and also their ear pick .
relationresultIf it is notthe Golden City ,Zhuang ,perhaps really will and Claude stay at sea for some time ,he recovered a few sunken ship ,just those sunken gold ,can let the Zhuang ,earn a lot of money .
relationresultButshe was loaded with so much from the golden city of precious works of art, and Shanghai humid climate for heritage preservation is very adverse ,Zhuang ,also can give up only the few reserves has sunken treasure . Related articles:

